To run an example, let us go to cpl-library directory (available from github) and navigate to the examples/coupled folder. We are going to run a granular example with an FCC lattice, located here:


This guide uses singularity as this works on old version of linux (tested here on Ubuntu 12.04) and can be deployed without root privileges so should be an increasingly popular option for supercomputer deployment. To install singularity, check out the website but it should look something like this,

tar xvf singularity-$VERSION.tar.gz
cd singularity-$VERSION
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install

Once this is installed, to get the Docker container which has all OpenFOAM and LAMMPS executables, simply use,

singularity pull docker://cpllibrary/cpl-openfoam-lammps

which will create an image file in the current directory called cpl-openfoam-lammps.simg . To run this code, we first have to setup the OpenFOAM mesh and decompose for parallel runs. This is done by using,

cd openfoam
singularity exec cpl-openfoam-lammps.simg blockMesh
singularity exec cpl-openfoam-lammps.simg decomposePar
cd ../

which will create a whole set of input files in the openfoam/processor0 folder. These can now be run as follows,

mpirun -np 1 singularity exec cpl-openfoam-lammps.simg CPLSediFOAM -case ./openfoam/ -parallel

and in another terminal in the same directory, run a version of LAMMPS to couple with this,

mpirun -np 1 singularity exec cpl-openfoam-lammps.simg lmp_cpl < lammps/

The expected output of OpenFOAM should be similar to the following:

| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  3.0.1                                 |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : 3.0.1-d8a290b55d28
Exec   : CPLSediFOAM -case ./openfoam/ -parallel
Date   : Jul 31 2018
Time   : 16:18:58
Host   : "me-flowdns05"
PID    : 15780
Case   : ./openfoam
nProcs : 1
Slaves : 0()
Pstream initialized with:
    floatTransfer      : 0
    nProcsSimpleSum    : 0
    commsType          : nonBlocking
    polling iterations : 0
fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

Overriding DebugSwitches according to controlDict
    dimensionSet    0;

Create mesh for time = 0

Reading environmentalProperties
*** coupled set to true by default
Reading field alpha

Reading field p

Reading field Ub

Setting up place-holder for Ua

Reading field F

Reading transportProperties

*** Max possible alpha set to 0.99 by default
Calculating face flux field phia

Calculating face flux field phib

MPI_Initialized(&flag) 1
 Only CFD realm present in MPI_COMM_WORLD
 opened port: tag#0$description#$port#$ifname#$ Attempting to write to file:./port
 Portname written to file ./port                                                          
 accepted connection on port to root of            1  procs.
 Rank on realm            1  is            1  of            1   and rank on intercomm is            0  of            2
 Completed CPL communicator init for CFD , CPL_WORLD_COMM ID:           0
                      C P L  -  L I B R A R Y                     
CPLSocketFOAM: Analysing processor and mesh topology
CPLSocketFOAM: Defining new MPI Cartesian communicator

Creating block mesh topology
OpenFOAM CPL topology initialisation complete

Starting time loop

Time = 0.0004
Courant Number mean: 8.0108e-05 max: 0.000100858
Max Ur Courant Number = 0.00036847
Dispersed phase volume fraction = 0.0622004  Min(alpha) = 0  Max(alpha) = 0.819445
ExecutionTime = 24.81 s  ClockTime = 25 s
Time = 0.0008
Courant Number mean: 8.00859e-05 max: 0.000101061
Max Ur Courant Number = 0.000378359
Dispersed phase volume fraction = 0.0622004  Min(alpha) = 0  Max(alpha) = 0.819445
ExecutionTime = 25.27 s  ClockTime = 26 s
Time = 0.0012
Courant Number mean: 8.00858e-05 max: 0.000101148
Max Ur Courant Number = 0.00038019
Dispersed phase volume fraction = 0.0622004  Min(alpha) = 0  Max(alpha) = 0.819445
ExecutionTime = 25.6 s  ClockTime = 26 s
Time = 0.0016
Courant Number mean: 8.00858e-05 max: 0.000101185
Max Ur Courant Number = 0.000380607
Dispersed phase volume fraction = 0.0622004  Min(alpha) = 0  Max(alpha) = 0.819445
ExecutionTime = 25.94 s  ClockTime = 26 s
Time = 0.002
Courant Number mean: 8.00861e-05 max: 0.000101208
Max Ur Courant Number = 0.000380742
Dispersed phase volume fraction = 0.0622004  Min(alpha) = 0  Max(alpha) = 0.819445
ExecutionTime = 26.28 s  ClockTime = 27 s
Time = 0.0024
Courant Number mean: 8.00864e-05 max: 0.000101225
Max Ur Courant Number = 0.000380801
Dispersed phase volume fraction = 0.0622004  Min(alpha) = 0  Max(alpha) = 0.819445
ExecutionTime = 26.62 s  ClockTime = 27 s
Time = 0.0028
Courant Number mean: 8.00985e-05 max: 0.000101251
Max Ur Courant Number = 0.000380884
Dispersed phase volume fraction = 0.0622004  Min(alpha) = 0  Max(alpha) = 0.819445
ExecutionTime = 26.96 s  ClockTime = 27 s
Time = 0.0032
Courant Number mean: 8.00851e-05 max: 0.00010125
Max Ur Courant Number = 0.00038087
Dispersed phase volume fraction = 0.0622004  Min(alpha) = 0  Max(alpha) = 0.819445
ExecutionTime = 27.3 s  ClockTime = 28 s
Time = 0.0036
Courant Number mean: 8.00918e-05 max: 0.00010126
Max Ur Courant Number = 0.000380891
Dispersed phase volume fraction = 0.0622004  Min(alpha) = 0  Max(alpha) = 0.819445
ExecutionTime = 27.63 s  ClockTime = 28 s
Time = 0.004
Courant Number mean: 8.01003e-05 max: 0.000101273
Max Ur Courant Number = 0.000380953
Dispersed phase volume fraction = 0.0622004  Min(alpha) = 0  Max(alpha) = 0.819445
ExecutionTime = 27.98 s  ClockTime = 28 s
Time = 0.0044
Courant Number mean: 8.00888e-05 max: 0.00010126
Max Ur Courant Number = 0.000380897
Dispersed phase volume fraction = 0.0622004  Min(alpha) = 0  Max(alpha) = 0.819445
ExecutionTime = 28.31 s  ClockTime = 29 s

Finalising parallel run

Whereas the LAMMPS output will look something like,

 Only MD realm present in MPI_COMM_WORLD
 connection accepted to root of            1  procs.
 Rank on realm            2  is            1  of            1   and rank on intercomm is            1  of            2
 Completed CPL communicator init for MD  , CPL_WORLD_COMM ID:           1
LAMMPS (16 Jul 2018)
Lattice spacing in x,y,z = 0.08 0.08 0.08
Created orthogonal box = (0 0 0) to (2 10 2)
  1 by 1 by 1 MPI processor grid
Created 26250 atoms
  Time spent = 0.00943184 secs
Setting atom values ...
  26250 settings made for diameter
  26250 settings made for density
 CPL_init has been called more than once. Returning same COMM
Lammps cpl/init input arg 0 is 5
Lammps cpl/init input arg 1 is all
Lammps cpl/init input arg 2 is cpl/init
Lammps cpl/init input arg 3 is region
Lammps cpl/init input arg 4 is all
Lammps cpl/init input arg 5 is forcetype
Lammps forcetype: Drag with args Cd
Lammps forcetype: Drag with args 2.31918489371882
Lammps forcetype: Drag with args overlap
Lammps forcetype: Drag with args true
Lammps forcetype: Drag with args gradP
Lammps forcetype: Drag with args false
Lammps cpl/init input arg 6 is Drag
Lammps cpl/init input arg 7 is Cd
Lammps cpl/init input arg 8 is 2.31918489371882
Lammps cpl/init input arg 9 is overlap
Lammps cpl/init input arg 10 is true
Lammps cpl/init input arg 11 is gradP
Lammps cpl/init input arg 12 is false
Lammps cpl/init input arg 13 is sendtype
Lammps cpl/init input arg 14 is granfull
dynamic group cplforcegroup defined
Lammps FixCPLForce forcetype: Drag with args Cd
Lammps FixCPLForce forcetype: Drag with args 2.31918489371882
Lammps FixCPLForce forcetype: Drag with args overlap
Lammps FixCPLForce forcetype: Drag with args true
Lammps FixCPLForce forcetype: Drag with args gradP
Lammps FixCPLForce forcetype: Drag with args false
Neighbor list info ...
  update every 1 steps, delay 10 steps, check yes
  max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
  master list distance cutoff = 0.0615685
  ghost atom cutoff = 0.0615685
  binsize = 0.0307843, bins = 65 325 65
  1 neighbor lists, perpetual/occasional/extra = 1 0 0
  (1) pair gran/hertz/history, perpetual
      attributes: half, newton off, size, history
      pair build: half/size/bin/newtoff
      stencil: half/bin/3d/newtoff
      bin: standard
Setting up Verlet run ...
  Unit style    : cgs
  Current step  : 0
  Time step     : 2e-05
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 29.42 | 29.42 | 29.42 Mbytes
Step Atoms CPU 
       0    26250            0 
      20    26250   0.34270096 
      40    26250   0.68225789 
      60    26250    1.0215797 
      80    26250    1.3615072 
     100    26250    1.7024806 
     120    26250    2.0426209 
     140    26250    2.3821836 
     160    26250    2.7220778 
     180    26250    3.0617683 
     200    26250     3.401315 
Loop time of 3.40133 on 1 procs for 200 steps with 26250 atoms

98.9% CPU use with 1 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads

MPI task timing breakdown:
Section |  min time  |  avg time  |  max time  |%varavg| %total
Pair    | 0.021202   | 0.021202   | 0.021202   |   0.0 |  0.62
Neigh   | 0          | 0          | 0          |   0.0 |  0.00
Comm    | 0.0141     | 0.0141     | 0.0141     |   0.0 |  0.41
Output  | 0.74021    | 0.74021    | 0.74021    |   0.0 | 21.76
Modify  | 2.6149     | 2.6149     | 2.6149     |   0.0 | 76.88
Other   |            | 0.01087    |            |       |  0.32

Nlocal:    26250 ave 26250 max 26250 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost:    3244 ave 3244 max 3244 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs:    0 ave 0 max 0 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total # of neighbors = 0
Ave neighs/atom = 0
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
Total wall time: 0:00:03